8 Useful Monthly Goals for March

Small pink flowers on a tree

March is the first month of spring and that means that the days are getting longer and you are likely to have more energy for new goals and projects. And that’s where these March goals come in.

This list of eight monthly goals for March will help you get more out of your life and discover new sides of yourself. After a long and dark winter, it’s finally time to spend more time outside. Of course, depending on where you live, March could still be more or less snowy or cloudy, but don’t let that stop you.

Life is a beautiful thing and it’s meant to be enjoyed. Spend this month discovering new things that you could start doing more often and don’t forget to stop and really appreciate your life every now and then. Doing that really does make you happier.

Without further ado, let’s get to the list of monthly goals for March. I hope it helps you to make your month even better!

1. Start a new side hustle

Side hustles are a great way to earn some extra money and sometimes they can turn into a full-time job! It’s also never a bad idea to learn some new skills and have something to add to your resume.

The challenge with side hustles is that it usually takes time and effort to start earning anything. But the good thing is, there are plenty of different side hustles to choose from, so you are bound to find something you like to do.

2. Throw one thing away every day for a month

Do you ever feel like you own too many things? Do you like throwing things away? Here’s a fun little March goal for you! All you need to do is to throw away, donate, or sell one item you don’t need every day.

At the end of the month, you are going to have some extra space in your house and you might even have made some money.

3. Listen to completely new music

We tend to listen to the same artists for years and years and stick to only one or two genres we really like. But what if there’s music out there that you would absolutely love, but you just haven’t heard it yet?

You might think that you hate jazz because you didn’t like it as a kid, but you might like it now. Or maybe you’ve always thought that pop is boring, but you actually would enjoy it if you just gave it a chance. It’s also fun to listen to new music in different languages, so you could try that too.

4. Do 30 days of yoga

Yoga is a great way to get your body moving because you can do it at home for free and you can choose whether you want a short or long workout and how hard you want it to be.

There are plenty of videos to choose from, but you can start for example with this 30 Days of Yoga challenge. It’s always a good idea to set new goals and practice sticking to something for 30 days straight.

5. Start bullet journaling

If you’ve never tried bullet journaling, now is your chance! It’s a super simple way to organize your life and get things done. And it can inspire you to be more productive too.

You don’t have to make your bullet journal look super pretty like in most pictures you see online if you don’t want to. It really can be a very fast and simple way to plan your time and track your habits. You can follow this guide to get started.

6. Go to one new social event every week

If you want to get out of the house more and maybe make more friends, set a goal to go to one new social event every week this month. Even if you don’t necessarily feel like going, it can still turn out to be a lot of fun.

This is an especially good monthly goal if you are shy or don’t have many friends because it helps you build your confidence and learn social skills.

7. Learn about investing

Investing is a good idea if you want to make some more money over time. And the good thing is, you can start with very small sums if you want to. You can simply invest in funds if you don’t want to spend a lot of time on this.

You can start to invest a certain amount of money every month and one day you’re going to be glad you started. A fun and easy way to learn more about money and investing is to listen to a podcast. Pick one or two podcasts to listen to here.

8. Start going for walks

March is the perfect month to start going out more. It’s getting warmer and sunnier all the time and going for peaceful walks will definitely give you energy. It’s also an easy way to get some exercise.

If you want to start walking more and perhaps hitting 5000 or 10 000 steps every day, set a new goal today and start walking. You can listen to podcasts or audiobooks at the same time if that encourages you to go out.


Monthly goals are a fun and easy way to change your life one little bit at a time. They are not a big commitment, so they are easy goals to set. 30 days of yoga or daily walks will honestly go by fast and at the end of the month you will either have a new healthy habit or you are ready to try something else.

If you want to get even more monthly goal ideas, read this article next:

New Month, New Goals: Tips and Ideas for Monthly Goals

I’d love to hear what you think of these March goal ideas and which goals you are planning on setting for yourself. Share your thoughts below!

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